If you are experiencing any kind of dental emergency in Calgary, Millennium Dental is here for you! We understand that dental emergencies can happen at any time and for a variety of reasons. Our compassionate and professional team will be ready to address any emergency that arises as quickly as possible. If you are unsure whether something is a dental emergency or not, we offer this advice: if it hurts, it is a dental emergency! If you require an SE Calgary emergency dentist, please call Millennium Dental at (403) 236-4443 and we will assist you as quickly as possible.
Our Calgary Dentist At Millennium Dental Provides the Following Services:
In dental emergencies, Millennium Dental is here for you! If you think you might require Calgary Douglas Glen emergency dentist, or you have any questions about a dental issue or emergency dental treatment generally, please call us immediately at (403) 236-4443. We will be happy to provide you with the care you need!
Call Millennium Dental at (403) 236-4443 to set up your Emergency Dentistry Appointment today!
Experienced, Professional & Friendly Staff
Millennium Dental is pleased to offer convenient and free on-site parking just outside our clinic.
High Quality Dental Care